Live a Sustainable Life

Join the Toohla Community to connect, learn, and grow with people like you. We empower people who are passionate about sustainability, climate action, and zero-waste living.

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Toohla is the community for people who care about Sustainability

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Electrification Enthusiast

Get personalized tips, connections and insights on Sustainability

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Climate Activist

Find your balance
with the planet!

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Guide to Your Local Climate Communities

Learn how members connect to transform their Life and the planet
Get Roadmap
April 11, 2023
Building a Green Community: A Step-by-Step Guide
April 11, 2023
Creating Impactful Climate Events and Campaigns
April 11, 2023
The Role of Community in Driving Climate Action

Toohla's climate-focused resources make it easy to take action!

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Electrification Enthusiast

Their 5-step plan is perfect for incorporating climate-friendly habits into everyday life.

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Climate Activist

Get exclusive access
to high-quality credits.

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5 Step Plan to Fight Climate Change

Access the ultimate Climate Guide and master the art of reducing your carbon footprint for a better tomorrow.
5-Step Plan
November 25, 2022
2 min read
This Week's Best News in Climate!
November 25, 2022
3 min read
Navigating the Tension Between Climate Action as a Moral Crusade and a Pragmatic Solution
November 25, 2022
4 min read
How to Stay Positive on Climate
April 5, 2023
A Climate Statistic so Misleading, Big Oil Could Have Planted It
April 5, 2023
Rethinking our Carbon Footprints - What we can learn from the Pros
April 5, 2023
Good Credit, Bad Credit - Carbon Markets, Demystified

Toohla helps you build a sustainable life with their Comprehensive Living Blueprint.

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Electrification Enthusiast

Learn and grow on your sustainability journey with the Toohla Community.

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Climate Activist

Toohla has made sustainable
living accessible for everyone.

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Toohla's Ultimate Sustainable Living Blueprint

Unlock the secrets to leading an eco-friendly lifestyle with our Ultimate Sustainable Living Blueprint
Get BluePrint
April 11, 2023
Sustainable Travel: Eco-Friendly Tips and Destinations
November 25, 2022
Chicago’s Climate-Friendly Gift Guide
April 5, 2023
Your Guide to being a Sustainable Shopper

Toohla is the go-to place for zero-waste living inspiration.

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Electrification Enthusiast

Their Sustainable Brands guide helps me find eco-friendly products easily.

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Climate Activist

Connect and share your
zero-waste experiences!

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100 Zero-Waste Brands to Buy From

Embrace a waste-free lifestyle by exploring our handpicked Sustainable Brands guide, your ticket to discovering eco-conscious products and making a positive impact.
ZeroWaste Brands
The Best ZeroWaste Tips the Internet Can Find
April 11, 2023
How to Start Composting at Home: A Beginner's Guide

A holistic
community to live sustainably

Sign Up
Sign Up
What is Toohla's mission?
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Toohla Founder

The Toohla Community's primary focus and mission is to help everyday people live more sustainably and take action on climate change. We aim to create an inclusive, vibrant online space where people can connect, learn, and grow together.

How does Toohla help me become more sustainable?
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Toohla Founder

The Toohla Community provides a comprehensive framework for sustainable living, advanced resources for zero waste and low-carbon lifestyles, expert advice, curated content, group meetups, challenges, and a supportive network of like-minded individuals.

Are there any costs to join the Toohla Community?
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Toohla Founder

Nope! The Toohla Community is 100% free to join at this time.

How do I access resources within the community?
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Toohla Founder

Once you join the Toohla Community, you'll have access to our online platform, which hosts resources, expert advice, and curated content. You'll also receive regular updates on new material, challenges, and events.

Is the Toohla Community for beginners?
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Toohla Founder

The Toohla Community is suitable for everyone, regardless of your prior knowledge of sustainable living practices. We provide resources and support for both beginners and those already immersed in a sustainable lifestyle.

How much time  do i need to commit to the community? 
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Toohla Founder

The time commitment for the Toohla Community can vary depending on your personal goals and involvement. However, even dedicating a few hours per week can lead to significant progress in your sustainable living journey.

Is the community Global or only in the US?
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Toohla Founder

Yes, the Toohla Community is accessible from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

Meet the

Pranav Buggana's journey to sustainable living began in rural India, where he experienced firsthand the impact of drought and embraced water conservation techniques. Now a passionate advocate for sustainability, Pranav has transformed his own lifestyle and is eager to share his knowledge, fostering a community that empowers individuals to make a global impact through small, meaningful actions.

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